There is NO cost to attend a Texas Watershed Steward workshop. All workshop participants will receive:
- A day of beneficial and applicable watershed education
- A copy of the Texas Watershed Steward Curriculum Handbook
- Tote bag and other goodies
Sign-in/registration/coffee begins at 30 minutes before the advertised start time. Dress is casual. The workshop will be held inside with interactive demonstrations and visuals throughout the day. Unless otherwise mentioned, participants should bring their own lunch.
Continuing Education Information
We offer CEUs to applicable participants! Please note that the professional continuing education listed below is only provided to in-person TWS workshops attendees and, when available, virtual attendees of a live TWS workshop. No professional continuing education is provided to participants in the 24-hour accessible online course platform.
CEUs Available to In-Person Attendees of Half-Day Course:
- 4 AICP (American Institute of Certified Planners) CM hours for Certified Planners (4 CM credits, 1 CM Law)
- 4 CCA (Certified Crop Advisor) CEUs in Soil & Water Management
- 4 TBPE (Texas Board of Professional Engineers) CEPs for Professional Engineers
- 4 Credits applicable to Professional Geoscientists. See requirements for TBPG CEUs at the following link: (Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists)
- 4 SBEC (State Board for Educator Certification) CPEs in Science
- 3 TDA ( Texas Department of Agriculture) general CEUs for private pesticide license holders)
- 2 NM (Nutrient Management Certification) CEUs for Nutrient Management Specialists
- 4 TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) Occupational License continuing education credits offered for each of the following: Landscape Irrigators, On-site Sewage Facility Installers, Public Water System Operators, and Wastewater System Operators
- 4 CECs for Certified Floodplain Managers
CEUs Available to Virtual Attendees of A Live, Half-Day Course: Please call 979-321-5935
CEUs Available to In-Person Attendees of Full-Day Course:
- 7 AICP (American Institute of Certified Planners) CM hours for Certified Planners (5.5 CM credits, 1 CM Law)
- 7 CCA (Certified Crop Advisor) CEUs in Soil & Water Management
- 7 TBPE (Texas Board of Professional Engineers) CEPs for Professional Engineers
- 4 Credits applicable to Professional Geoscientists. See requirements for TBPG CEUs at the following link: (Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists)
- 7 SBEC (State Board for Educator Certification) CPEs in Science
- 3 TDA ( Texas Department of Agriculture) general CEUs for private pesticide license holders)
- 4 NM (Nutrient Management Certification) CEUs for Nutrient Management Specialists
- 4 TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) Occupational License continuing education credits offered for each of the following: Landscape Irrigators, On-site Sewage Facility Installers, Public Water System Operators, and Wastewater System Operators
- 4 CECs for Certified Floodplain Managers