The Texas Watershed Steward program is an exciting, 1-day educational training event designed to inform watershed residents about ways to improve and protect community water resources. A watershed is an area of land that water flows across, through, or under on its way to a stream, river, lake, ocean, or other body of water. EVERYONE lives in a watershed, and everyone should be a Texas Watershed Steward.
Participants will learn about watershed systems, water quality regulation and monitoring, methods to improve water quality, and community-driven watershed protection and management. With this training, participants will have the basic knowledge and tools they need to form a watershed action group, participate in watershed protection activities, and to become more involved in protecting and enhancing their community water resources
The Texas Watershed Steward program is for any individual or group interested in water quality and healthy watersheds. This includes watershed groups, landowners, agricultural producers, conservation districts, urban residents, planners, local government employees, water and wastewater utilities, industry, lake and homeowner associations, foresters, teachers, or any and other interested groups and individuals.
To become a Texas Watershed Steward you will need to attend the entire educational program. All participants will receive a FREE day of education and training, a FREE copy of the Texas Watershed Steward Curriculum Handbook, FREE prizes and gifts, and a certificate of completion. In addition, the program will provide continuing professional education credits for more than 13 professional disciplines.
As a Texas Watershed Steward you can help to improve the health of your watershed. These trainings provide the knowledge to make better, more informed decisions related to your own land, community, and watershed. Many of the practices that will be introduced can help improve the health of your watershed and also help you and your community to save money and reduce waste. Texas Watershed Stewards become an information source for family, friends, neighbors, and communities and provide leadership and service in their communities to maintain and restore the watershed.